October 28, 2012

Fall Fun


Despite the CRAZY schedules we have had lately, the hubs and I have done some sort of "Family Fall Fun" both last weekend and this weekend!

Last Sunday we enjoyed a pup friendly patio dinner at Alegria Mexican Restaurant and then went to a pumpkin patch with our little pumpkin! Yes we are both in T-shirts!! It's crazy that it was so warm outside that wearing jeans made us hot! And yes Stella is wearing a cute lil pumpkin dress - courtesy of her Nana Joy Joy - a gift from her Birthday Party!! 

This Sunday we were gonna do the haunted house thing, but its freezing outside (typical Tennessee weather) and so we decided to stay in next to our fireplace and make our award winning chili (we won a cook off last year) and carve our pumpkins! I wish we had cameras on us sometimes. It was funny. The hubs wanted to do everything freehand. I would rather not be so ancient and use a template. Me + "carving" a pumpkin just don't mix! But since the hubs is actually quite the artist, he won. Obviously his is the skeleton and mine and Stella's is the little paw. My pumpkin is so little that you can see the candle a little too much. Booo!

Stella didn't help much. She slept 99% of the time and then got up long enough to try and eat all the pumpkin we scooped out! HaHa! Had I been thinking I would have put her in her little skeleton sweater! But she wore it yesterday :)

Halloween is on Wednesday this year and I may be working an early shift. If so, we may actually hand out candy together for the FIRST time! We've always had to work or lived in a loft in years past! Our new house is in a nice neighborhood, in an area that I would expect to be pretty high traffic with trick or treaters.

Handing out candy is one of my FAVORITE memories growing up. Walking into my Granny's house after school and smelling the fresh popcorn she spent ALL DAY popping and bagging into little paper halloween bags. I can still smell it, still see her smile, still hear her complaining about how much work it was and how she "wasn't going to do it next year" (but always did), I can still see the silver mixing bowls she separated the candy into and sat next to the door. She always told me to make sure and give the older kids (that were too old and shouldn't be trick or treating) a piece of gum or smarties and save the "good stuff" for the little ones. Haha!

Oh how I miss her and her heart so full of love. She couldn't afford to buy all that candy, but did every year.
I also miss that time. When parents could trust a stranger handing their child freshly cooked homemade popcorn :-(

Here is to memories and the "good ole days"!! Happy Halloween from The Green's :)

Mrs. Green

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